Sunday, August 24, 2008

Grub error 17, cannot mount selected partition

I was not done with grub yet.  After grub loaded, it shows all the bootable options, all 4 of them, Ubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 8.04 (recovery), memory test, and XP (the HDDs from Vaio).  That was nice to see things going fine, until it came to me the another error after hit the first boot option.

Grub error 17

Cannot mount selected partition

It apparently was trying to start Linux OS.  But I did not have guesses better than this.  Google proved to be my friend this time.  Here is a link to some very nice info.

Briefly, there is misunderstanding between what hd[0 - 3] are on my system, between Ubuntu and BIOS.  The HDD, that has both boot and root on it, was considered hd0 by BIOS, but Ubuntu's guess was hd3.  So when Ubuntu wrote up the menu.lst for grub to find os image, it put hd3.  Modifying menu.list so thta it points to hd0 fixed problem.

Now I am awaiting for the next blocker.

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