Monday, September 1, 2008

svn server set up

Today I set up a svn server on my Ubuntu.   Since I am good at losing my works, thought svn might be a good help.  I don't have a good grasp on cvs, and pretty close to hating it.  svn on the other hand is closer to clearcase that I am most used to.  So that was my choice.  Well, clearcaes would have been nice, just that it surely would be an overkill, and non open source.

To get to the meat, first this very nice site got me a jump start -

I already had svn installed.  But to follow the instructions, I did 

apt-get install subversion-tools python-subversion libsvn-perl
mkdir /svnroot
svnadmin create /svnroot
vi /svnroot/conf/svnserve.conf (set proper configs, commends are explanatory) 
vi /svnroot/conf/authz (to add rw account to /)
vi /svnroot/conf/passwd (to add account / password pairs)
vi /etc/init.d/svnserve (paste in the bash script provided by the above mentioned blog)
chmod +x /etc/init.d/svnserve
update-rc.d svnserve defaults
/etc/init.d/svnserve start

Unless I forgot something, these were all I did.  It was pretty simple and quick, and working (more importantly).  Not bad, eh?

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